It is a true pleasure for me to invite you to the 11th Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition (ECCE 2019), to be held this time in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, from September 29 – October 3, 2019. ECCE 2019 is sponsored by the IEEE Industrial Application Society (IAS) and IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS).
IEEE ECCE shares an insight into the recent research and cutting-edge technologies in electrical and electromechanical energy conversion, which gains immense interest with the exuberant presence of talented researchers, practicing engineers, and other professionals. ECCE is the world’s leading technical conference and exposition for energy conversion solutions.
We bring together, a multi-disciplinary group of researchers, engineers, and scientists from all over the world to present and exchange break-through ideas relating to the energy conversion systems and technologies. ECCE is unique in our emphasis on integrated systems, presenting the best in applied integrated systems research together with innovations in individual energy conversion components.
ECCE includes peer-reviewed technical presentations, special panel sessions, interactive town-hall sessions, tutorials, as well as plenary talks and the exposition. Exhibitors at ECCE showcase state-of-the-art technologies, products, and solutions, creating a highly interactive networking environment when mixing with the poster sessions and student demonstrations on the same floor.
ECCE will co-locate with the IEEE IAS Annual meeting, in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Attendees will be able to choose to register for ECCE alone, or to jointly register for ECCE and the IAS Annual Meeting at a reduced combination rate. Anyone interested in the future progress of electrical and electromechanical energy conversion should not miss.
We are looking forward to excellent meetings and exposition with great researchers, engineers, scientists, and exhibitors from different countries around the world, sharing new and exciting innovations in energy conversion systems and technologies. See you at ECCE 2019, in Baltimore, Maryland, USA from September 29 – October 3, 2019!
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