Preparing for the Opportunities and Challenges of WBG-Based Motor Drives
T.M. Jahns, B. Sarlioglu, UW-Madison; and J.W. Kolar, ETH-Zurich
Wide-bandgap (WBG) power devices are poised to have a major impact on future machine drives. The objective of this tutorial is to assistdrive design engineers to prepare for this transition.The impact of introducing WBG switches into hard-switched voltage-source inverters (VSI) will highlight the challenges associated with drop-in replacement strategies. Advanced inverter bridge-leg topologies that are well-suited to WBG switches will be presented, as well as opportunities for the re-emergence of current-source inverters (CSIs). The tutorial will address practical challenges associated with designing WBG-based inverters and conclude with a discussion of current and future applications of WBG-based motor drives.