Next Generation Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop (PHIL) Testing of Traction Inverters: Challenges and Opportunities

Organizers: Ahmad Arshan Khan, Seung-Ki Sul

As automotive OEMs and inverter suppliers commit billions of dollars in the area of vehicle electrification, there is a growing need for fast, efficient, low cost, reliable testing and validation of inverters. Unfortunately, the old and traditional way of inverter testing at motor dyno is expensive, test coverage limited, time-consuming and requires motor hardware availability. Most of these limitations can be successfully solved by Power Hardware-in-the-loop (PHIL) testing and validation approach. In this special session, researchers from academia and PHIL manufacturers will share various existing solutions, opportunities and challenges in the area of Power Hardware-in-the-loop testing of traction inverters.

Short Bio of Organizers:
Dr. Ahmad Arshan Khan is currently working as Senior Engineering Specialist in Motor Controls at Eaton Corporation’s Software, Controls and Electronics Center of Excellence at Southfield, Michigan. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Florida International University (FIU) in 2009 and M.S. in Electrical Engineering (Power Systems and Controls) from Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in 2006. For past eleven years, he worked at various positions in the area of Motor controls for a California based startup company (PCD Inc), two US based automakers (Fiat Chrysler Automobile, Ford Motor Company), engineering consulting company (AVL) and inverter supplier company (Eaton Corp.). From 2016 to 2018, he worked as Adjunct faculty at University of Michigan, Dearborn. He holds three U.S. patents and published 18 peer-reviewed technical papers. He received a prize-paper award from IEEE electric machines committee in 2013 and ‘2017 Electrified Powertrain Engineering Innovation Award’ from Ford Motor Company. He is IEEE Senior Member since 2013, Sigma Xi member and reviewer for various IEEE Transactions.

Prof. Seung Ki-Sul (S’78, M’87, SM’98, F’00) was born in Korea, in 1958. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1980, 1983, and 1986, respectively. From 1986 to 1988, he was an Associate Researcher with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison. From 1988 to 1990, he was a Principal Research Engineer with LG Industrial Systems Company, Korea. Since 1991, he has been a member of faculty of School of the Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, where he is currently a Professor. He was promoted as a fellow of IEEE with the contribution to PWM technology.

Prof. Sul is one of pioneers in the area of carrier based PWM technology applied to the control of the power converters. From 2005 to 2007, he was the Vice Dean of the Engineering College of Seoul National University. In addition, from 2008 to 2011, he was the President of the Electrical Engineering Science Research Institute funded by the Korean Government. He has 130 IEEE journal papers and a total of more than 300 international conference papers in the area of power electronics. He was the program chair of IEEE PESC’06 and general chair of IEEE ECCE-Asia, ICPE, 2011. He has been actively involved in various industry projects sponsored by many Korean, Japanese, and American companies. For his sabbatical year from 2003 to 2004, he worked as an acting director of research center of Yaskawa Electric Company, Japan. From 1998 to 2003, he was a board member of Hyundae Elevator Co., which is the largest elevator maker in Korea.

From 2011 to 2014, he was a board member of LS Industrial System Co., which is the largest power electronics related product maker in Korea. He holds 14 U.S.A patents, 7 Japanese patents, 11 Korean patents, and granted 38 Ph.Ds under his supervision. For last three years, he had served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Power Electronics, which is a SCIE registered journal, published by the Korean Institute of Power Electronics (KIPE), Seoul, Korea. From, 2015, he is the president of KIPE. His current research interests include power electronic control of electrical machines, electric/hybrid vehicles and ship drives, High Voltage DC transmission based on MMC, and power-converter circuits for renewal energy sources.

Speakers and presentations:

  1. Julian Koch, System Test Manager, AVL Software & Function, Germany
    Thorsten Fischer, Team Manager System Test Management E-mobility & Head of PowerHiL, AVL Software & Function, Germany
    Power electronic validation and testing – the right test methodology on the PowerHiL
  1. Yong-Cheol Kwon, CEO, Plecko, South Korea
    Real-time emulation of IPMSM with Dynamic Motor Emulator (DME) for PHIL testing
  1. Joshua Love, Senior Power Application Engineer, Keysight Technologies, USA
    Fast, Accurate, and, Repeatable Testing of Inverters Through Effective Machine emulation
  1. Amit Kumar KS, Simulation & PHIL Specialist, OPAL-RT, Canada
    Uday Deshpande, CTO, D&V Electronics, USA
    Brij N. Singh, Senior Staff Engineer, John Deere Electronics Solutions, USA
    Real-time Simulation and Advanced Power Emulators for Vehicle Electrification Testing – focus on electric motor models
  1. Yukun Luo, North Carolina State University, USA
    Wensong Yu, North Carolina State University, USA
    Iqbal Husain, North Carolina State University, USA
    FPGA Based High Bandwidth Motor Emulator for Interior Permanent Magnet Machine Utilizing SiC Power Converter
  1. Ren Fang, Project Manager, dSPACE, USA
    High-voltage power hardware-in-the-loop system – Scalable model-based emulation environment for testing and validation of traction inverters