Important Dates & Documents
Proposal submission deadline: March 31, 2021 April 9, 2021
Notification of session acceptance: May 1, 2021 May 7, 2021
Final session plan submission deadline: June 1, 2021 June 7, 2021
ECCE 2021 Special Sessions Proposal Template (Word Document)
Special Session Proposal Submission Portal is now Closed
The Thirteenth Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2021) will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, from October 10 to October 14, 2021. ECCE 2021 will bring together practicing engineers, researchers, and other energy conversion professionals for interactive and multidisciplinary discussions on the latest advances in the areas related to energy conversion.
Special Sessions are solicited focusing on emerging technologies and industry-oriented topics, featuring diversified formats including oral presentations, open panel discussions, debates, virtual factory tour and demo, etc. Industry hosted or co-hosted sessions are of particular interest, and audience participation is strongly encouraged. Note that commercialization content should be avoided, and no written papers are required for Special Session presentations. Materials presented in the Special Sessions are not subject to peer review and will not be made available in the conference proceedings. However, presenters are encouraged to distribute their presentations to the audience. Potential topic areas include but are not limited to: