The ECCE 2025 Organizing Committee cordially invites you to attend the upcoming 16th IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expo, from October 19 – 23, 2025 to be held in Philadelphia, USA. This is a must-attend event for engineers, researchers, technical managers, and students engaged in the area of power and energy conversion utilizing novel and emerging materials and devices. This is the convention where you will find smart solutions from sharp minds, powering progress and innovations.
We have an assembly of dedicated and hardworking volunteers and professionals committed to delivering a Conference and Exposition replete with distinguished plenary speakers, tutorials from experts in academia, industry and national laboratories, and a broad spectrum of oral, poster and special sessions. ECCE covers all relevant areas of power and energy conversion and spans multiple domains of power electronics, electric machines and drives, renewable and sustainable energy systems, various transportation systems and power electronics-based bulk power systems.
In addition to the vast range of technical content, this event also includes opportunities to network and connect with like-minded researchers and experts. There are events for Women in Engineering, Young Professionals, technical committees, and a chance just to have fun at evening receptions.
While you’re in town, make sure to get out and enjoy all that Philadelphia has to offer. It’s the birthplace of America and hosts world class museums, historic sites, and is home to several professional and amateur sports teams. Within walking distance of the Convention Center is the Liberty Bell. It no longer rings, but its message still “Proclaims liberty throughout all the Land.” Also nearby is the Reading Terminal Market, a 127-year-old shopping area with a terrific food court. And yes, that is where you can get a Philly Cheese Steak, the city’s most famous food. Don’t forget the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, the Rocky Steps from the famous boxing movie, and the African American Museum. The Lincoln Financial Field is six miles away, but you can certainly check out this stadium which will host six games of the 2026 FIFA World Cup.
It is our hope that we can all be proud of ECCE 2025. By building upon the success of the past 15 ECCE conferences, we plan to grow and expand with more than ever industry engagement to become the preeminent conference in power and energy conversion components, systems and technologies. ECCE 2025 will be the place to renew old acquaintances and make new ones, network with colleagues and enjoy the good company of all the talented people from all around the world. Mark your calendars, submit your papers, and get ready for a fantastic conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania this coming Fall. We can’t wait to meet you there, October 19- October 23, 2025.
– Iqbal husain
ECCE 2025 General Chair
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