Interested in Exhibiting?

Interested in exhibiting or joining ECCE 2019 as a partner? Take a look at the Prospectus and Floor Plan for availability or contact the ECCE Tradeshow Manager for more information at 202.367.2314 or

Exhibit Space Costs and Benefits

  • 10×10 Exhibit Space – $
  • 10×10 Corner/End Space – $
  • 10×20 Exhibit Space – $
  • 10×30 Exhibit Space – $

Exhibit Days and Hours




Exhibitor Benefits

  • One (1) complimentary Registration with each 10’ x 10’ exhibit booth.
  • Five (5) complimentary Exhibit Hall Only (Booth Staff) registrations.
  • Exhibitor Reception and Tuesday Lunch held inside the Exhibit Hall.
  • Complimentary listing in the program materials (includes exhibitor’s name, product/ service description and booth number).
  • Food and beverage areas inside the exhibit hall.
  • Standard backwall 8’ drape and draped sidewalls 3’ high.
  • One (1) 7” X 44” identification sign with company name.
  • Comprehensive online Exhibitor Service Kit containing all necessary forms and information regarding booth furnishings, electrical/utility service, and shipping.
  • 24-hour security in the exhibit hall from move-in through tear-down.
  • Daily cleaning and maintenance of the aisles and common exhibit areas.

Partnership and Branding Opportunities

Looking for more visibility among ECCE attendees? Consider becoming a partner, with premium logo placement on conference materials and signs, complimentary conference registrations and more!

Platinum Partner – 
Gold Partner
Silver Partner

ECCE 2019branding opportunities include…..
Opening Welcome Reception –
Exhibit Hall Welcome Reception –
Attendee Lanyards – 
Cyber Lounge/Charging Station –

Review the Exhibit and Partnership Prospectus for additional details regarding our partnership and branding opportunities!

Products and Services Sessions

If your company is looking for an enhanced opportunity to present the technical aspects of your product or service, sign up for a slot in one of our Product and Services Sessions, available only to Exhibitors. You’ll have a 30 minute period with full AV support. Space will be available on a first come-first served basis.

Calling All Universities

To highlight the partnership between ECCE and the academic community, we are offering great benefits to universities that sign up to exhibit at ECCE 2019!

Benefits Include:

  • A reduced exhibit booth fee totaling $1,000 (does not include conference registration)
  • Booth carpet fees waived
  • University logo on conference website and in the official ECCE 2019 program

Complete the university section of the exhibitor application and return to today!