HVdc/MVdc/MTdc technologies and benefits to grid (including resilience, reliability, and improved efficiency)

Organizers: Suman Debnath, Maryam Saeedifard

During this session, the audience will be provided an overview of updates in ongoing research activities in HVdc/MVdc/MTdc systems and highlight the challenges in greater acceptance of such technologies. The talks will broadly be categorized into modeling, control, opportunities and challenges, and protection of dc systems. The following topics will be discussed: (i) Means to model and simulate converters as well as hybrid grids, (ii) Technical and reliability benefits that can be provided by HVdc/MTdc systems through advanced control methods, (iii) Manufacturer’s perspective on HVdc and MVdc technologies, and (iv) Breakers, algorithms, and advances needed to protect hybrid ac-dc grids.

Short Bios of Organizers:
Suman Debnath received his bachelors and masters from Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) in 2010, and doctoral degree from Purdue University in 2015. He has since been working with Oak Ridge National Laboratory and is a research and development (R&D) staff over there. He has published over 35 publications and has been awarded several projects worth millions. His research interests include applied mathematics for simulation, modeling, and control of power electronics in various applications (including high-voltage direct current systems, wind, PV, high-power drives, among others).


Maryam Saeedifard received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto, in 2008. Since January 2014, she has been with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, where she is currently as associate professor. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, she was an assistant professor at Purdue University (2010-2013) and a research scientist with the Power Electronic Systems Group, ABB Corporate Research Center, Switzerland (2007-2009). She is the recipient of the J. David Irwin Early Career Award of the IEEE Industrial Electronic Society in 2018, Richard M. Bass Award Outstanding Young Power Electronic Engineer Award of the IEEE Power Electronic Society in 2010, and Excellence in Research from of the Office of Vice President for Research of Purdue University in 2011 and 2012. Her research interests include power electronics and its applications in power systems and vehicular electrification.

Speakers and presentations:

  1. Suman Debnath, ORNL
    High-fidelity modeling, simulation algorithms, and advanced control systems in HVdc converters and systems that enable improved reliability of grids
  1. Marcelo Elizondo, PNNL
    Frequency response and congestion management benefits and modeling challenges for HVdc macrogrids in continental North American electric system
  1. Orestes Macchione, Siemens
    Recent developments and future trends of HVDC & MVDC technologies. A manufacturer’s view
  1. David Smith, General Electric
    Inline medium voltage direct current circuit breaker
  1. Maryam Saeedifard, Georgia Institute of Technology
    Protection of Multi-Terminal High-Voltage DC Grids