The IEEE Industrial Applications Society (IAS) and the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) have generously provided 30 student travel grants ($500 each) to support their student members to attend ECCE 2020. To qualify for the travel grant, you must be 1) an PELS or IAS student member; (2) a presenting author (oral or poster); (3) willing to perform some volunteer duties during the conference; (4) fully registered for the conference. Awards are selected by a PELS/IAS committee based on the qualification and financial needs of the applicant. A check of $500 will be issued to the awardees during the conference with W-9 (US citizens or permanent residents) or W-8 (others) tax form submission.
Complete the Application Form by May 15, 2020 to be considered for one of these awards
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a new IEEE policy has been enforced for all the near future travel grants, causing them to be temporarily suspended. Please visit this website for any further update concerning the grants. For the applications we have received before the May 15 application deadline, we will continue with the review when the IEEE policy allows.