Important Dates
Digest submission deadline: January 15, 2022 Jan. 28, 2022 Feb. 7 2022 (There will be no future extensions)
Author notification: May 1, 2022
Final papers with IEEE copyright forms: July 1, 2022
Check the Frequently Requested Links at the bottom of the page to find the Digest Template in Latex
The Fourteenth Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2022) will be held in Detroit, Michigan, USA, from October 9 to October 13, 2022. ECCE is a pivotal international event on energy conversion. ECCE 2022 will feature both industry-driven and application-oriented technical sessions as well as an exposition. The conference will bring together practicing engineers, researchers and other professionals for interactive and multidisciplinary discussions on the latest advances in areas related to energy conversion.
Technical papers are solicited on any subject pertaining to the scope of the conference including, but not limited to, the following major topics:
Digest Submission:
Prospective authors are requested to submit a single-column digest no longer than five (5) pages summarizing the proposed paper following the digest template. The digest should include key equations, figures, tables, and references as appropriate, but no author names or affiliations. Digests not conforming to these requirements will be rejected without review. The digests must clearly state the objectives of the work, its significance in advancing the state of the art, and the methods and specific results in sufficient detail. All digests will go through a double-blind peer review process to ensure a confidential and fair review. The papers presented at the conference will be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.