Q: Will I be required to pay for registration if I am the presenter for one of the Post Journal presentations?
A: Yes, the presenters are expected to register for the full conference. In unusual circumstances of financial hardship, please inform the ECCE conference general chair.
Q: Am I allowed to present on a topic that is not listed on the Post Journal presentation Webpage?
A: Yes. The final discretion on the topic is decided by the special sessions committee. The webpage only highlights the most relevant topics for the conference but is not limited to just those.
Q: What is the total presentation time allotted for Post Journal presentations?
A: The time allocated for individual presentations is 20 minutes. However, this time may vary slightly to support the session schedule.
Q: Can an individual who was not originally part of the authors of the published paper be a presenter for the Post Journal presentation?
A: Yes. If the individual has actively contributed to the presented work, they can become one of the presenters.
Q: Will the presented published journal paper be included in the ECCE proceedings?
A: No
Q: Will I get support in the form of a letter for obtaining a visa for a US visit if I get selected as one of the presenters for the Post Journal Presentation?
A: All registered attendees will be provided a visa invitation letter upon request.
Q: What is the format of presentation for the Post Journal presentation?
A: The preferred format would be an Oral presentation.
Q: Are the Post Journal presentation proposals reviewed?
A: Yes, the presentations are reviewed for quality and scope. Due to a lack of conference room space, there usually are more Post Journal presentations submitted that can be included in the conference program.
Brad Lehman
Northeastern University, USA
Olorunfemi Ojo
Tennessee Tech University, USA
Jean-Luc Schanen
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
Anant Singh
Halla Mechatronics, USA
Ryan Li
University of Alberta, USA
Chiara Boccaletti
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Sonny Xue
Zheyu Zhang
Clemson University, USA