Important Dates
The Fifteenth Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2023) will be held in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, from October 29 to November 2, 2023. The conference will bring together practicing engineers, researchers and other professionals for interactive and multidisciplinary discussions on the latest advances in areas related to energy conversion.
Late Breaking Research Publications are solicited focusing on emerging technologies. A two-page, camera-ready paper can be submitted by June 1st strictly following the specific paper template. The manuscript submitted under “Late Breaking Research Publications” will be subjected to peer review. The accepted papers will be featured as a poster presentation in the conference and will be made available in the conference proceedings and posted on IEEE Xplore. Note that commercialization content should be avoided.
Proposal Submission Guidelines: The authors are requested to strictly follow the specific camera-ready, two-page paper template. References are excluded from the two-page limit. The review decision would be either to accept or reject the manuscript. No revisions or modifications would be allowed post-submission. All proposals should be submitted via the ECCE 2023 website under “Call for Late Breaking Research Publications”.
Potential topic areas include but are not limited to:
Components and Converters
► Wide bandgap devices and their emerging applications in power electronics
► Artificial intelligence (Al) aided converter control and design
► Thermal management. and advanced cooling technologies
► Reliability, diagnostics. and prognostics of components and modular systems
► Electric machine design and motor drives
► Advanced technologies for power electronics such as materials. 3-D printing, magnets, magnetic devices, capacitors, switching devices. EMI/EMC. etc.
Power Electronics Intensive Energy Conversion Systems
► Renewable energy systems, energy storage systems, and their integration into modern electric grids
► AC, DC, and hybrid micro-grids and nano-grids
► Power electronic based grid infrastructures: technologies, trend, and grid integration
► Resiliency enhancement and active stabilization of power electronics-based power systems
► Transportation electrification, including electric vehicles, aircraft, ships, drones. etc.
► Cybersecurity in power electronic inverters and inverter dominated energy systems.
Brad Lehman
Northeastern University, USA
Olorunfemi Ojo
Tennessee Tech University, USA
Jean-Luc Schanen
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
Henry Chung
City University Hong Kong
Jin Ye
University of GA
Sanjida Murray
Lakehead University
Arijit Banerjee
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign