Q: Will these papers be posted on IEEE Xplore?
A: Yes. The paper will be made available in the conference proceedings.
Q: Do I need to pay full registration?
A: Yes.
Q: Will these be presented in poster or oral?
A: These will be presented in a poster session.
Q: How are they reviewed?
A: These papers will be reviewed following the usual process with at least three reviewers. The outcome will be binary with no detailed feedback. The criteria of the review are different from digests, since the papers are meant to be late breaking research.
Q: What are the Review Criteria? (see review form)
a. Paper Format – Refer to the submission template
b. Scope of work
c. Technical Contribution
d. Novelty of research
f. Methodology
g. Adequate and accurate results
h. References
i. Clarity of presentation
j. Technical English/grammar
Q: Can I make modifications to my paper post-submission?
A: No. These are camera-ready papers. If accepted, these papers will be published as it is.
Q: Is there a limit on number of pages for references?
A: No. There is no limit on number pages for references.
Q: When will I be notified whether my paper has been accepted?
A: Notifications will be sent to corresponding authors tentatively on July 1, 2023. Therefore, please ensure that the contact information you provide is up to date.
Q: Will you give instructions for formatting the final paper?
A: Please refer to the submission template
Q: I had a recent paper accepted for publication in one of the PELS or IAS journals, but it is not yet published. Can I submit as a 2-page research brief?
A: No. all submissions must incorporate significant improvements to previously published work. Previously published journal papers may be eligible for presentation through the Post-Journal Paper ECCE Presentation format. See website for more details.
Q: Can I write a summary of a recent patent?
A: Yes, but make sure to write the 2-page research brief in prose suitable for conference readers. The 2-page paper should make sure to include the application, technology barriers solved, and why they were important.
Brad Lehman
Northeastern University, USA
Olorunfemi Ojo
Tennessee Tech University, USA
Jean-Luc Schanen
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
Henry Chung
City University Hong Kong
Jin Ye
University of GA
Sanjida Murray
Lakehead University
Arijit Banerjee
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign